We are a forward-thinking, passionate, London-based team.

With 10 years of combined Hemp and cannabinoid experience, across all aspects of the industry, from seed to shelf, including raw materials and product development. This, coupled with 30 years of combined experience in business, logistics and pioneering technology, has led to us to spend the last 2 years developing the most successful and beautiful, non-selective cold pressed oil.

"In all of the tests, the isolated CBD (CBD Isolate) was ineffective both before and after a certain dosage, while the effectiveness of the full-spectrum solution continued to increase as higher doses were administered. The results all indicate that CBD Isolate is only effective against swelling and pain at a certain dose and solutions containing a full range of cannabinoids will continue to provide corresponding effects as the dosage is increased."

— James Dempsey, CEO (Publication, What is the Entourage Effect?), (source text Foundation Canna)

To better understand what True Spectrum and The Entourage Effect is and which Hemp based products they're reputed to be available from........

True Spectrum simply communicates our oil is a true reflection of the plant’s natural state, transferred by Non-Selective Cold Pressing into EVOO & Hemp Oil using no chemicals whatsoever, in line with the FSA’s guidance of Non-Novel Food Status.  The phrase “Entourage Effect” was first used in context in 1998 by a group of scientists that included “the father of canna research,” renowned Israeli biochemist Dr Raphael Mechoulam. More recently, the phrase has been popularized in Dr Ethan Russo’.

A study published by the Lautenberg Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research (which aimed its focus on the effectiveness of CBD isolate compared to Full Spectrum extract) supported this concept.

We have developed a mobile, Traditional Cold Pressed, Soft Botanic Extraction technique, process and equipment, to help maximise cultivator’s profitability of their Industrial Hemp yield.

Our Mobile Lab enables us to Cold Press EU Approved Hemp at point of Home Office Licensed Cultivation, producing an FSA Non-Novel, legally-supported, Soft Botanical naturally rich, Non-Selective True Spectrum Hemp Oil, which can be sold worldwide as an ingestible, edible or topical product.

Contact Us, to request more information

Soft Botanic Extration admin office will be happy to respond to your inquiry.